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Are you unsure what to do with tricky waste, such as alfoil, batteries, building materials, clothing, shoes, mattresses, bulbs, gas bottles, paint or oil? See our guide for safely disposing of these items.
Alfoil, including pie tins and cooking trays, can be bundled up to about the size of a fist and be recycled in the yellow-lid recycling bin.
You can’t put asbestos in your bins or out for hard waste collection as it is a serious health hazard.
Use a licensed asbestos professional or visit the EPA or Safework SA.
For information on safely and legally removing asbestos, visit the SA State Government asbestos website.
Full bean bags can be placed in the red-lid landfill bin. However, they take up a lot of room, so consider taking your bean bag to the Adelaide Waste and Recycling Centre, 181 Morphett Road, North Plympton.
If you have loose beans, please place them in a bag. Then, you can dispose of them safely in the red-lid landfill bin.
Do not put plastic bags or plastic film in your yellow-lid recycling bin. These items cause problems with conveyor belts at recycling facilities.
Residents of Holdfast Bay can drop-off clean and bagged soft plastic to the soft plastic bins provided at Brighton Civic Centre and/or Glenelg North Community Garden.
Good-quality clothing can be donated to Vinnies, Salvos, RSPCA, Diabetes SA, Red Cross and Save the Children. Other clothing can be recycled as rags and donated to RSPCA charity shops.
Let them know your items are for this use; it helps them sort into the correct bag. Textiles and footwear can also be dropped at the H&M store in Rundle Mall, Adelaide.
E-cigarettes and vapes with a battery can be placed into a battery recycling bin.
If you have removed the battery, you can recycle them at e-waste recycling sites, such as Unplug 'N Drop locations.
The collection of e-waste is free with Council's hard rubbish collection. Alternatively, Electronic Recycling Australia (ERA) has several ‘Unplug N’ Drop’ locations across Adelaide where e-waste can be dropped off for free.
To find your nearest location, visit electronicrecyclingaustralia.com.au or call 8374 2276.
You can drop off old globes, including fluorescent tubes, incandescent and halogen bulbs at Mitre 10 stores.
To dispose of out-of-date gas bottles, residents can take them to any ‘Swap and Go’ location or to Adelaide Waste and Recycling at 181 Morphett Road, North Plympton.
Council offers a hard rubbish collection service to residents for large household items that cannot be put in their bins.
Each household is allocated one FREE collection per financial year. This service now includes e-waste and mattresses.
To book a collection, call 8295 5077 or complete the online form.
Pool chemicals, paint, motor oils, garden chemicals and other household chemicals cannot be put in your bins. However, they can be dropped off, free of charge, at several seven-day-a-week facilities across Adelaide.
The Adelaide Waste and Recycling Centre, 181 Morphett Road, North Plympton is the closest to Holdfast Bay.
For more locations see greenindustries.sa.gov.au/hazwaste
Batteries can be dropped off at Brighton Civic Centre, Glenelg Library, Battery World, Woolworths, Coles, Bunnings and Aldi stores.
Plastic lids can remain on empty plastic containers, including milk bottles and laundry detergent bottles.
Plastic lids larger than 5cm, such as those on peanut butter containers, can be placed in your recycling bin separately. They do not need to be collected in another container.
Metal lids, including beer bottle tops, can be placed loosely in the recycling bin, where they will be picked up by the magnets at our recycling facility.
Collection is free through Council's Hard rubbish collection.
Plastic blister packs with a foil lining cannot be recycled via the yellow-lid recycling bin. However, they can be taken to your nearest National Pharmacy or Blooms (the chemist store) for recycling as part of the Pharmacycle program.
Alfoil blister packs can be bundled up with other alfoil items about the size of a fist and recycled in the yellow-lid recycling bin.
Mobile phones can be placed into any Unplug ‘N Drop location, including the Brighton Civic Centre.
To find your nearest Unplug 'N Drop location visit electronicrecyclingaustralia.com.au
Small volume users of motor oil such as households, small businesses and hobby groups can recycle oil at any of the following locations free of charge:
Small quantities of oil filters can be recycled through South Glenelg Brake Service, Unit 25/788 Marion Rd, Marion, behind Marion Trade Centre.
There is a small cost, currently $1 per filter. Ph: 8296 8811.
Tins of wet paint can be taken for free to any SA household chemical and paint drop-off depot.
The nearest one to Holdfast Bay is the Adelaide Waste & Recycling Centre, 181 Morphett Road, North Plympton.
For other locations see greenindustries.sa.gov.au/hazwaste
All plastic plant pots can be placed in the yellow-lid recycling bin. Bunnings stores also accept plastic pots, plastic plant labels and plastic stakes for recycling.
Residents can drop off printer cartridges at the Brighton Civic Centre. Alternatively, you can use retail drop-off points with Cartridges 4 Planet Ark program partners.
Visit recyclingnearyou.com.au
Up to two domestic smoke alarms can be disposed of in your red-lid landfill bin per collection.
Businesses will need to contact EPA Radiation Protection on 8204 2004
There are bins for soft plastics in the foyer of the Brighton Civic Centre and at the Glenelg North Community Garden. These are for City of Holdfast Bay residents only.
Bag your bags: all soft plastics MUST be cleaned and bagged into one larger plastic bag.
No foam please as it cannot be recycled through this system.
Large amounts of soil cannot go in any of your bins. It must be taken to a waste transfer depot.
The nearest one to Holdfast Bay is the Adelaide Waste and Recycling Centre, 181 Morphett Road, North Plympton, 8295 5790.
Eagle Sun Enterprises collects used solar panels for reuse in Africa, where there are no reliable electricity supplies.
They will collect both polycrystalline and monocrystalline panels, 190 watts and above, in good condition.
To book a collection, call 0485 878 488 or email enquiries@eaglesun.org
For disposal of old car tyres contact:
Tyrecycle, 8 Meyer Road, Lonsdale
1300 489 732
Liquids cannot be placed into your bins. Very small amounts of used cooking oil can be mixed with organic material in the green-lid FOGO bin. Vegetable and cooking oils must be placed in containers and disposed of at a free hazardous waste depot. The nearest depot to Holdfast Bay is Adelaide Waste & Recycling Centre, 181 Morphett Road, North Plympton.
Large amounts of cooking oil can be taken to Adelaide and Statewide Tallow, 89 Wing Street, Wingfield.
X-rays can be dropped off to the x-ray collection bin at the Brighton Civic Centre.