You’ll find on this page:
Find out how to report a missed collection or damaged bin, apply for new bins, or what to do if a property is being demolished.
Missed bin collection
If your bin was not emptied, call or email Solo Resource Recovery between 7am and 6pm (Monday through Friday).
Damaged bin
If your bin needs repair or replacement, call or email Solo Resource Recovery between 7am and 6pm (Monday to Friday).
Bins for a new property
To request bins for a new property, call or email Solo Resource Recovery between 7am and 6pm (Monday to Friday).
Removal of bins from a property being demolished
If your property is due for demolition, contact us at 8229 9999 or email mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au to arrange for the bins to be collected.
Once the property is developed and occupied, contact Solo Resource Recovery to arrange to deliver new bins.