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Swimming Pools
Our Environmental Health Officers inspect local public pools and spas. Public recreational water facilities, such as public pools and spas, pose potential health risks if not properly maintained. Disease-causing organisms live and multiply in pool water when not properly treated and may cause eye, ear, skin, or intestinal infections. The inadequate chemical balance of pool water can also cause skin rashes and conjunctivitis.
Environmental health assessments aim to ensure that public pools and spas are maintained in accordance with the requirements of the SA Public Health Act 2011 and Regulations.
A public pool is :
- Available for use by members of the public on payment of an admission or membership fee.
- Available for people who live in, work in, or attend the premises where the pool is situated.
- Available for use by people staying at:
- A hotel, motel, or guesthouse.
- A camping or caravan ground.
- Any other similar place where accommodation is provided temporarily.
This excludes situations where the pool is used in connection with a single private residence and is only available for the use of residents or their guests.
When inspecting public swimming pools, Environmental Health Officers look at several requirements, including the following:
- The pool must be fitted with automatic equipment that continuously analyses and controls the pH levels and disinfectant levels in the water.
- The disinfectant levels (e.g. chlorine), pH, and alkalinity must meet the required standards.
- The operator must regularly test the pool, and a logbook of the results must be kept.
- All equipment (e.g. filters) must be maintained in a clean and efficient condition.
- The pool must be kept clean, the structure must be sound, and the surroundings (e.g., the presence of leaves and algae, broken tiles, rusty ladders, etc.) must be safe.
Cooling Towers / Warm Water Systems (High Risk Manufactured Water Systems)
High-risk manufactured water systems must be operated and maintained in accordance with the South Australian Public Health (Legionella) Regulations 2013, Australian Standards, and the Guidelines for the Control of Legionella in Manufactured Water Systems in South Australia.
Cooling Towers and Warm Water Systems owners are required to register their systems within one month of commissioning, and registration must be renewed annually.
Council will issue owners of warm water systems with an annual notice requiring them to engage a competent person to inspect the system and undertake microbiological testing.
Under the South Australian Public Health (Legionella) Regulations 2013, businesses with high-risk manufactured water systems are required to notify us within 24 hours of receiving a laboratory report indicating the presence of Legionella at:
- 10 cfu/mL or greater in a water sample from a warm water system, or;
- 1000 cfu/mL or greater in a water sample from a cooling water system