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Why we leave the beach wrack alone

Why we leave the beach wrack alone

Why we leave the beach wrack alone

Tuesday 4 July 2023
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It's that time of year - the beach wrack is back. And Council has a policy not to remove it.

Due to the recent weather, piles of seagrass and seaweed have washed up along the coastline, from Glenelg all the way to Kingston Park.

But in keeping with our Beach Wrack (Seagrass) Removal Policy, Council will not be removing it.

Although the wrack isn't the prettiest sight along our coastline and can be a bit smelly, it's critical for a healthy coastal ecosystem.

The wrack provides shelter and food for shorebirds like the Hooded Plovers which feed on the invertebrates that live in the wrack.

It also acts as a barrier against coastal erosion.

Council would make exceptions to the removal of the wrack only if litter was caught up in it, or for reasons of access, public health, and safety.

If the beach wrack does need to be removed, Council must work with the Coast and Marine Branch of the Department of Environment and Water.

This is to ensure that the removal strategy is sustainable and does not have a negative impact on the surrounding environment and its inhabitants.

Tidal and wave actions will eventually wash the beach wrack back out to sea.

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